Come guadagnare online con EasyHits4u

Come Guadagnare Online con EasyHits4u

Earn watching sites and then decide whether to use the credits and turn them into dollati or use them to promote your website


To sign up:

1. Click on the button or banner ad on this page that will connect you to the site,
2. Clicca su “Join now!” the menu at the top right of EasyHits4u and follow the instructions. You'll have to choose a Username and a Password, provide a name and e-mail address; in the field “Referred by” appears already talking to our reference EasyHits4u che ti sei collegato tramite il nostro link; copy the captcha and check the declaration of knowledge of the rules (we always recommend that you read really clicking “EasyHits4u Terms of Service“); Finally click on the button “Join EasyHits4u“.
3. Open the welcome message that you will receive by e-mail and click the link to confirm your subscription if required.
Now you can make the log-in inserting Username and Password in the left section of the HomePage EasyHits4u e cliccando su “Enter“. If you are unsure on how to proceed can consult our guide.

But let's see how to earn:

EasyHits4u is a site of type MANUAL surf
The sites of type MANUAL surf come EasyHits4u hanno come principale funzione quella di favorire lo scambio visite (Traffic Exchange). Their operation is quite simple: visiting the sites exposed to accumulate credits; sites are to be displayed for a minimum (countdown) after which captcha by clicking on it will automatically switch to the next site; the operation is thus quite similar to a PTC any site except for the fact that the number of available sites, and then credits accumulating daily is usually unlimited; also just a single click to stop the display of a site and go to the next. The accumulated credits can then be used to expose its own web page (maybe a your reflink to a PTC site in which you are enrolled) among those displayed by other users, and then receive a proportional number of visits to the credits used.
EasyHits4u, in addition to the credits to be used for the exchange visits, you credits 0,3 $ each 1000 sites visited. In order to navigate earning money you have to follow the instructions below:
1. Clicca su “My Sites” in the left menu of EasyHits4u; tab “Add a new site” in the field “Link” post the link to your site or your reflink a site of your choice (whether or not you should be interested to receive visits, you still need to add a link, so we should expose your own reflink to go hunting for referrals), in the field “Title” You can enter text that will appear as the title, choose the language of the site “My site is in“; clicking on “Advanced settings” You can configure other parameters for your site (no effect on the gain); Finally, click on “Add site” and you will see your link appear in the above list; You can enter up to 15 link diversi; in “Assign credits” enter the number of credits to be used for each link (1 credit is equivalent to 1 visit received), the number of credits available appears at the top of the page under the heading “My site“; make sure that at least one of the sites is active (Written green “active” in column “status” table; if a site is down you will find written “passive“, to activate the account click on the word “passive” which will become “active“).
2. Click on the button in the upper left “Start Surfing (2:1, 15 sec)” (means that you will be assigned 1 each credit 2 sites visited and the countdown of each site will last 15 seconds; the other button “Start Surfing (1:1, 20 sec)” you will assign 1 credit each site visited, ma il countdown durerà 20 seconds; In any case you will be credited 0,3 $ each 1000 Sites visited but with the left button you will need less time to visit them).
3. Wait for the end of the countdown and verifies the captcha, start immediately after the countdown.
4. When you want to stop browsing click on “Go to account” e poi su “Account stats” to see a summary of your situation. When the digit that appears in “Money earned” is greater than Payout minimo, you can click the link “Cash Out” to request the transfer of money on PayPal the Payza (insured before their addresses are set correctly by clicking on “Settings“). The transfer will be done by EasyHits4u entro pochi giorni.
There are no gains proportional to the number of visits made by your referrals but you will be credited 0,1 $ for each of your referral show that at least 100 Sites (once for referrals) and the 10% of purchases made by your referrals direct. In addition, you will be awarded credits in proportion to the credits earned by your referrals on 5 levels (10% 1Level, 5% 2Level, 3% 3Level, 2% 4Level, 1% 5Level).

Click here to sign up: EasyHits4u Pay x Click

The oldest and the one that pays the most

